Jessica Sullivan
The following technology tools are examples of tools that I would use in my classroom and incoroporate into my curriculum. This list is not exhaustive but only a few examples of technology tools that I would use in my future classroom. All of the work is original to me.
I have included these tool masteries to show my knowledge of available technology tools that can be integrated into my curriculum and classroom. Technology is becoming an integral part of our lifes and classrooms. These tools are examples of classroom material and tools to support my students in their learning. I have chosen these tools because I think that they support and provided opportunities for my students to develop their cognitive learning and allows them to become diverse learners. I have selected these tools to match standards provided by Alabama State Standards.
Summary of Usage: In order to properly use Voicethread, upload media and continue by selecting the option of commenting. Voicethread allows for further understanding outside the classroom. Voicethread is versatile enough to go along with many state standards. For example, if there was a more difficult state standard to incorporate into curriculum, Voicethread is the type of tool inhibits one to create based on the curriculum or need to be filled inside the classroom.
Selection Criteria: Voicethread is free and an excellent way to communicate and teach without having to be there physically. Voicethread is universal to classrooms and accessible from computers. A teacher can send a Voicethread to students or students can send Voicethread to teachers. The Voicethread could be instructions on an assignment; a story read aloud, or information a teacher would want to tell the students when they are outside the classroom.
ALCOS Connection:
Social Studies, 1st Grade
2.) Identify rights and responsibilities of citizens within the local community and state.
3.) Recognize leaders and their roles in the local community and state. (Alabama)
I choose this because I thoroughly enjoy Social Studies for grades K-2.
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding
ISTE Tech Standards:
2. Communication and Collaboration
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats
Curriculum Connection: I used Voicethread to create a picture and audio presentation of the governor and senators of Alabama. I was able to upload the picture and have my voice explain information about each person along with background information. By creating this Voicethread I was able to incorporate two social studies state standards. I was able to create a presentation to teach my students to identify the rights and responsibilites of citizens in the community and state, along with teaching students to recognize leaders and roles in the local community and state of Alabama. I do believe that Voicethread is versatile enough to creating a presentation for most state standards.
Summary of Usage: Smore is an online flyer tool. Smore allows different templates for every occasion. For example: businesses, events, classrooms and more. Smore is an interactive tool where links, pictures, and information is embedded and easily accessible. Smore also calculates the number of vistors your flyer gets, the number of people who interact with your flyer, by calculating how much time is spent on the flyer. Smore allows for goals to be set and notifies when they are reached, along with RSVPs.
Selection Criteria: Smore is a free template guide for online interactive flyers and weekly newsletters. As a teacher, Smore could be used to create a weekly update for parents, a creative way for students to receive morning announcements, and gives students the opportunity to create flyers for events or group projects.
ALCOS Connection:
English Langauge Arts, 3rd Grade:
27.) With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
I choose this because I love the educational tool Smore and would really enjoy seeing my students create a technology media and enjoy the tool as much as I do.
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Synthesis
ISTE Tech Standards:
2. Communication and Collaboration
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media
Curriculum Connection:
I used Smore to create morning announcements for my classroom just as a sample to show what the page looks like. In my classroom I could use Smore in the same way or use it to communicate weekly updates with the parents but I feel that using Smore with my students is just as beneficial. I would use Smore to have my students work in groups to create a newsletter. The newsletters could be about characters and plot of a book we previous read in class, the newsletter could be about the student’s interpretation of a concept previously learned, the newsletter could be written by the students for a weekly update to their parents, or the newsletter could be about most any concepts the teacher would find applicable. Students working in groups to create and publish a technology media, especially one as easy and fun as Smore, will serve as a wonderful, fun, interactive way to incorporate a state standard into curriculum.
Summary of Usage: LiveBinder is a tool that essentially creates an online binder. Classroom binders full of paper and organized tabs are no longer necessary with LiveBinder. LiveBinder allows for classroom binders to be posted on a website that is accessible from computers, smart phones, and tablets. The binders allow for tabs, and sub-tabs that can have links attached, websites embedded and any type of resources that benefits the topic of one’s LiveBinder. To properly use LiveBinder, one would need to select the tabs that would be placed in the binder and then proceed to add sub-tabs and also embedding links, websites, and other resources if needed.
Selection Criteria:
LiveBinder is a free tool that is accessible from any computer, smart phone or tablet.
Allows for organization of student materials inside and outside of the classroom.
Allows for less paper to be used in actual binder and gives students the change to learn to organize things technologically.
ALCOS Connection:
Counseling and Guidance, Grade K-12:
19.) A:B1.5 - organize and apply academic information from a variety of sources
I choose this standard because I believe it offers endless opportunities to be used in my future classrooms and allows for use in every grade.
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Creating
ISTE Tech Standards:
3. Research and information fluency
Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
Curriculum Connection: LiveBinder would be used in my classroom in any subject that I found necessary. I would probably start using this tool with students in 3rd grade. I would help students create a LiveBinder to begin but then after teaching them how to use the program, I would step back and only help when necessary. I think that to start, I would pick a subject such as history. I would provide worksheet links, lesson curriculum, handouts, etc on my teacher’s webpage and show students how to link them to their own LiveBinder. Once students have grasped these concepts, they will be able to find their own information and organize it on their personal LiveBinder. Materials such as history facts, timelines, pictures, video clips, etc. I think that using LiveBinder to teach students to keep their binder and class materials organized while incorporating technology will serve to help them in future classes. I also like the idea of LiveBinder being able to be viewed by others so that checking their binders can be done quickly and efficiently.
Summary of Usage: To properly use Popplet, one will login into the website and can then design the concept map to fit the theme or lesson topic. After selecting a background color, one can then begin to click to add different Popplets. Popplets are able to hold text, pictures, weblinks, etc. Popplet is a tool that is versatile enough to be used for any topic or to help students complete and understand any state standard. Popplets allows for colorful visuals to aid in lesson plans and are great way to engage and excite students about certain topics.
Selection Criteria:
Popplet is a free tool and is accessible from any smart phone, tablet, or computer.
Popplet allows for teacher or student’s to map out concepts or ideas .
Popplet allows for teacher assessment of student understanding.
ALCOS Connection:
Science, 2nd Grade
Identify states of matter as solids, liquids, and gases.
I choose this standard because I thought that a concept map would be an excellent example to identify the states of matter.
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
ISTE Tech Standards:
6. Technology operations and concepts
B. Select and use applications effectively and productively.
Curriculum Connection: I would use Popplet in my classroom to help create concept maps. I used Popplet to show the different states of matter for second grade science. This adds a visual element to lesson planning and allows children to visualize the connections of liquids, solids, and gases. Although I used this for second grade science, I believe that Popplet is an excellent tool for any subject. I think that it is versatile enough and offers great variety to lesson planning. I also think that allowing students to create and use popplet would be an effective way to assess their understanding of a topic and allows for an interactive way to learn.
Summary of Usage: To properly use Quizlet, one will input information into the website in the form of a term and then definition or fact related to the term. Quizlet is a virtual note card study system. The information imputed into Quizlet allows the user to study and learn with a note card system or by playing games to beat their best score. Quizlet allows for multiple students to use the same set so that teacher can create a set personalized to their classroom and curriculum. Quizlet also gives a different spin on learning vocabulary that incorporates technology into learning.
Selection Criteria:
Quizlet is a free tool and is accessible from any smart phone, tablet, or computer.
Quizlet allows for students to study information in an exciting way by providing learning games that challenge the user to beat their best score.
ALCOS Connection:
Mathematics, 3rd Grade:
24.) Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories. [3-G1]
I choose this standard because I struggle as a student to comprehend and remember mathematical terms. Quizlet makes it interactive and easier to study using technology.
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
ISTE Tech Standards:
6. Technology operations and concepts
B. Select and use applications effectively and productively.
Curriculum Connection: I would use Quizlet in my classroom to help my students gain a full understanding of geometry terms. Often math terms are hard to remember and learn. Quizlet would allow my students to incorporate technology into their learning by using this online tool. I would be able to create a set of geometry terms that my students would be able to access and would be guided towards their learning in my classroom. The students are able to test themselves by creating practice test, playing interactive games that allows the user to beat their best score, and also has a feature of where the text can be read aloud. This tool would benefit most of my students. If I have students that are visual and auditory, there learning style is met with note cards and the reading aloud option. Where as if my students work better with writing everything out, there is a game that presents the term or definition and allows the user to type the answer. If the question is answered incorrectly one must retype the correct answer before proceeding. I believe that Quizlet is the type of tool that challenges students to learn while making it feasible. Quizlet allows students to learn vocabulary while incorporating it with technology.