Jessica Sullivan
Music and Related Arts
Lesson Plan 1
Teaching Team Names: Jessica Sullivan
Date: September 30, 2015
Lesson Title: “Five Little Fishies”
Estimated Duration: 30-45 minutes
Grade/Level: 1st Grade
Number of Students: 20
Structure(s) of grouping for the lesson:
(Check any that apply)
Whole Class __x___
Small Group _____
One-to-one _____
Other (specify) ______
Standards (Alabama Course of Study)
Art Education Music Kindergarten:
1.) Sing simple songs alone and with others following the contour of melody.
6.) Create expressive movement to folk songs, folk games, lullabies, and marches.
Arts Education Music 1st Grade:
8.) Identify musical phrases in a song presented aurally.
9.) Use creative movement to express the mood of musical selections.
Arts Education Dance 1st Grade:
9.) Identify choreographic elements in a dance.
English Language Arts 1st Grade:
1.) Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. [RL.1.1]
Lesson Objective(s)
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to recite and sing a simple song about 5 Little Fishies with others.
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and identify repetition of phrases throughout the 5 Little Fishies song.
At the end of the lesson students will be able to create movement that matches the mood of musical sections through the song.
At the end of the lesson, students will have demonstrated and identified choreographic movement in the 5 Little Fishes song.
At the end of the lesson, students will retell and answer questions about key details in text.
Materials Needed:
Book about sharks
Poster with lyrics
Procedures (Bulleted List)
The lesson will begin with an introduction to what the lesson will entail and by telling the students that we will be singing a song about 5 fishies and a shark.
I will begin by having the class stand up and teaching the movements we will be using for our song (These movements are the same as the Youtube video attached.
I will talk about the words of the song and identify phrases, sections, or different parts of the song, along with showing the students the repetition of certain phrases.
I will then play the recording of the song and use the movements created while singing the song.
I will then ask Children to sing with me on the recording. We will go through the song twice since it is short.
After the song, we will gather around to read a book.
I will ask the students questions about the book and the characters.
Asking students certain question about repetition of the verses, characters in the book, etc.
Adaptations to Meet Individual Needs:
Providing Visuals
Model Correct Behaviors
Give clear Instructions
Watch closely so that no one feels left out
Book: National Geographic: Sharks by Schreiber
Here is a PDF file of the lesson plan above: