Jessica Sullivan
I am Jessica Sullivan and am currently graduate student at Auburn University. I have a Bachelors in Elementary Education and am working to obtain a Masters in Elementary Education.
I have a passion for teaching and could not imagine pursiung any other career. I have envisioned myself as a teacher since I was a little girl playing "school" with my dolls. I am excited about my journey to come and cannot wait to see what is in store. I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to have a future career in a field that I am so passionate about.
I was born and raised in a small cow town right outside of Montgomgery, called Pike Road. I am the only girl of the family and have two brothers. My father owns his own business and my mother is a math teacher. My older brother graduated from The University of Alabama and my younger brother is attending Troy University.
I enjoy baking, crafting, dancing, singing, and playing sports. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I absolutely love Auburn football!
War Eagle!